Executive Director
Board member of Butte County Fire Safe Council and Pardise Ridge Fire Safe Council; Regenerate Pardise and Member of the Pardasi Garden Club.
Sustainable community development
Stephen (Steve) I. Feher is a retired engineer with 60 years of professional experience, from aerospace engineering to construction management and community development, working worldwide. He also taught Materials Science for Engineers, as Associate Faculty at Butte College in Oroville, California from 2012 to 2018 and served as Technical Director for two consecutive EPA-P3 (People-Planet-Prosperity) Grant Projects related to waste biomass utilization, including biochar production and applications. In 2018, his home burned to the ground in Paradise, CA during the Camp Fire. He since re-built and moved back to Paradise with his wife, Elisabeth. They are taking an active role in the rebuilding of Paradise as a sustainable community though the Sustainable Community Development Institute (SCDI) they formed and managed since 2001. Steve is a Board Member of the Regenerating Paradise organization and serves on the Boards of the Butte County Fire Safe Council and the Paradise Ridge Fire Safe Council. He advocates the on-site-conversion of waste biomass into biochar, especially in the WUI regions, as part of fire safety and forest management practices. He is also active in promoting the use of biochar in landscaping and home gardening, as a member of the Paradise Garden Club.