Han-Sup Han

Professor and Director of Forest Operations and Biomass Utilization

Northern Arizona University

Professor and Director, Forest Operations and Biomass Utilization

Dr. Han-Sup Han is a Professor/Director of Forest Operations and Biomass Utilization at Ecological Restoration Institute, Northern Arizona University (NAU), Flagstaff, Arizona. His primary research interest is in the area of forest operations which involves the application of various forest management tools and processes to achieve a wide range of objectives in forest management. Along with this effort, he is developing efficient biomass supply chain logistics that are specially designed to support bioeconomy and enterprises utilizing wood and small-diameter trees. At NAU, Han’s research and project management tasks are to improve the overall economics of forest restoration treatments through increased operational efficiency and improved utilization of wood and biomass. Han is also trying to forge a public-private partnership to create an integrated wood manufacturing business cluster in Arizona. This partnership and business cluster will utilize wood, create jobs, and provide workforce training, advance research, and accelerate forest restoration. Han held faculty positions at the University of Northern British Columbia, Canada, University of Idaho, and Humboldt State University before he joined NAU in 2018.

Han-Sup Han