Exhibitor Terms & Conditions


The Exhibitor/Sponsor shall be bound by the rules and regulations set forth herein and by any such amendments or additional rules and regulations that may be established by US Biochar  (“USBI”) and communicated to the Exhibitor/Sponsor (the “exhibitor/sponsor”) from time to time.


USBI reserves the right to determine the eligibility of any company or product for inclusion in exhibition space and may reject its inclusion at its sole discretion.  


USBI shall have sole control over admission policies at all times.


USBI is granted permission to publicly acknowledge Exhibitor/Sponsor’s participation on the event’s website, social media platforms, and other promotional materials.  USBI is granted permission to use the Exhibitor/Sponsor company logo in event materials, including but not limited to the website, banners, brochures, and social media posts. USBI is granted permission to include the Exhibitor/Sponsor company name, representatives’ interviews, and booth visuals in media coverage of the event, including press releases, news articles, and video recordings.  


Exhibitors/Sponsors consent to the collection and sharing of their company’s contact information, such as name, email, and phone number, with event attendees and other relevant parties.


Assignment of exhibit spaces is based on the following “PRIORITY”  criteria:

1. Priority for sponsorship level

2. Date contract is received

3. Booth preferences.

If the top three desired exhibit spaces are not unavailable, the Exhibitor/Sponsor will be assigned the nearest booth available to the space requested. If USBI must reassign a booth for any reason, the  Exhibitor/Sponsor will be promptly notified. USBI assigns priority for each Exhibitor based on past USBI participation and total dollars spent by the Exhibitor/Sponsor at USBI 2024. The initial space assignment will begin in February 2025 and be based on priority, then assigned on a first-come, first-serve basis. Although USBI will attempt to fulfill each Exhibitor/Sponsor space request, USBI will assign exhibit space at its discretion, and its decision shall be final.  


Exhibitors/Sponsors may cancel their package purchase for a full refund minus 15% administrative fees until July 1. Any cancellations beyond that date are non-refundable. In no event will the Exhibitor/Sponsor receive a credit from any revenue later generated by the reuse of the reserved space by USBI. The exhibitor/Sponsor shall also forfeit all exhibitor privileges. Questions and cancellations can be emailed to  Lisa@biochar-us.org


All booths must be set up by 5:00 p.m., Monday, September 15, the first day of the show. Any booth not set up by this time will be considered a No-Show. Payment will be

forfeited, and space may be possessed by USBI for such purposes as it may see fit.


No Exhibitor may sublet, assign, or apportion any part of the space allotted or represent, advertise, or distribute literature for the products or services of any other firm or individual except as approved in writing by USBI. The purpose of the exhibits are to inform and educate USBI members regarding the characteristics and uses of the products. NOTE: Cash and carry sales are not permitted.


In the interest of the success of the entire convention, the Exhibitor agrees not to extend invitations, call meetings, or otherwise encourage the absence of members or Exhibitors from the convention or exhibit hall during official exhibit or convention hours. If an exhibitor would like to host an event on or off property during show dates, you are required to submit an application referred to as an "In conjunction with" (ICW) form to show management.


Exhibitors must comply with the International Association of Exhibitions and  Events (IAEE) Guidelines. All exhibit items must be contained within the booth space assigned.  Any item higher than the side drapes (3’) must be contained in the back 4’ of the booth and may not exceed 8’ in height. Any exceptions must be cleared with USBI. Questions can be emailed to  Lisa at lisa@biochar-us.org


  • 10’ x 10’ booth with 8’ High back wall pipe and drape  
  • 33” High side rail pipe and drape  
  • (1) Company identification sign (white background, black lettering)  
  • (1) 6’ Skirted table  
  • (2) Side chairs  
  • (1) Wastebasket

These items are included in the booth space price set forth. For procurement of additional exhibit space equipment, as well as any special services desired by exhibitors, please contact GEMS - you will be emailed the link.

As its exclusive supplier. To obtain exhibit services, access the Exhibitor Service Manual through the link provided.


GEMS will deliver to you on Exhibitor Set-Up Day. They will arrange to remove empty crates, store them during the show, and return them on the dismantling day. Setup day will be Monday, September 15, 2025  from 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Dismantling time will be announced.


Exhibits may not be dismantled before the close of the show. Exhibits must be removed by the Exhibitor from the premises no later than the time indicated in the official Exhibitor manual. The premises must be left broom clean by the  Exhibitor. The exhibitor shall be liable for all storage and handling charges resulting from the failure to remove exhibit material from the exhibit hall prior to the conclusion of the dismantling period as specified by GEMS. Exhibitors who dismantle prior to show end will be penalized for booth

selection the following year.


USBI may restrict the use of irregular lighting effects. Exhibits that use heat (ex: cooking), generate smells, or any unusual activity or display must receive clearance from USBI and GEMS, (contact information identified below).  


No one under 21 years of age will be allowed to register or be on the exposition floor.


Signs, decorations, and related materials may not be taped,  tacked, stapled, nailed, or otherwise affixed to painted surfaces, columns, fabrics, windows,  ceiling, or decorative walls in the Convention Center. Temporary signs may not be attached in any manner to permanent Convention Center signage. Adhesive backed decals and stickers may not be distributed in the Convention Center. Any costs incurred by the Convention Center for the removal of these items will be billed to the exhibitor/Sponsor. Glitter and confetti are not permitted in the Convention Center without the facility's prior written approval. Costs associated with the cleanup of glitter confetti and related materials are the Licensee’s responsibility.  


The operation of games of chance, lottery devices, or the actual or simulated pursuit of any recreational pastime is permitted only with written approval from USBI. Games, lotteries, raffles, etc. must follow all local city and government regulations and reporting. No exceptions.


All Exhibitor's activities must be confined to the contracted exhibit space. No solicitation or distribution of materials outside the exhibit space will be allowed without written permission from USBI.


Exhibitor’s booth representatives shall be restricted to employees of the exhibiting companies who are working in the Exhibitor’s booth. Booth  representatives shall wear “EXHIBITOR” badge identification furnished by USBI at all times.  USBI may limit the number of booth representatives at any time.


The use of alcoholic beverages in the exhibit hall by the  Exhibitor is prohibited except by permission of USBI.


The exhibitor’s representative’s manner, appearance,  and dress must be such as not to offend even the most critical. Any breach of this rule may result in the Exhibitor being ejected or barred from the show. Exhibitors operating audio or any other noise-creating devices shall do so only at a level that will not interfere with other Exhibitors or add unduly to general acoustic inconvenience, or USBI may require discontinuance of their use.  Should the wording on any sign or area in the Exhibitor’s booth be deemed by USBI to be contrary in any way to the best interests of the trade show, the Exhibitor shall make such changes as requested by USBI. All demonstrations of services or equipment, interviews, and other exhibit activities must be conducted to not infringe on the rights of other Exhibitors or offend visitors to the exhibit.


Exhibitors using music in their booth, either live or mechanical, must provide USBI with a copy of the Exhibitors Licensing Agreement with AS- CAP, BMI, or other such licensing organization. Further, should the Exhibitor play music, the Exhibitor agrees to indemnify and hold USBI harmless from any action brought against USBI by ASCAP, BMI, or other such licensing organization for the playing of such music.


Exhibitors/Sponsors are responsible for the security and safety of their booth, products, and materials during the event. Exhibitors/Sponsors will not display products, services, and promotional materials beyond their designated booth space during the event.  


The Exhibitor/Sponsor shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the M, USBI, and GEMS., and their respective officers, agents, employees, lessors or owners, from all claims for loss, theft, damage, or destruction of property, or for any injury to it or its employees, agents,  or invitees while participating in the Exhibit and will make no claim for any reason whatsoever,  including negligence, against the Minneapolis Convention Center Minneapolis, Minnesota, USBI or GEMS, and their respective officers, agents, employees, lessors or owners.  Exhibitor shall pay all its own costs and expenses incurred in producing and setting up the exhibition, including, but not limited to, those items listed in the sections titled “Exhibit Size” and  “Lighting & Heating” of these Rules and Regulations, and all labor costs.  


In the event that any outside cause,  such as war, in or outside the United States of America, fires, strike, terrorism or Act of God  such as: earthquakes, or other emergency prevents the Exhibit from being held, USBI may retain such part of Exhibitor’s prepaid fees as is required to compensate USBI, GEMS, Exposition & Event Services or the Minneapolis Convention Center Minneapolis, Minnesota for expenses incurred up to the time such contingency shall have occurred.


Exhibitor is liable for any damage caused by Exhibitor or its representatives to building floors, walls, or columns or to the property of other Exhibitors.  Exhibitors may not apply paint, lacquer, adhesive, or other coatings to building columns or floors or to standard booth equipment.


The exhibitor agrees to accept full responsibility for compliance with federal, state, and municipal regulations in the provision and maintenance of adequate safety devices and conditions for the operation of machinery and equipment. No exhibitor shall bring any combustibles into the facility. The exhibitor agrees to comply with all state and local fire and safety regulations. Smoking in exhibits is forbidden. Crowding will be restricted. Combustible or explosive materials and substances must be flame-proofed. Packing containers, excelsior, wrappings, and similar materials must be removed from the exhibit area and may not be stored under tables or behind displays. All decorations must be flame proof,  and an affidavit evidencing such flame-proofing must be available for inspection by Fire  Department Representatives. No firearms or materials deemed weapons by USBI show

management or facility staff is not permitted. Exhibitors can be removed from the EXPO if firearms or materials deemed weapons are discovered.


Booth representatives will be permitted to enter the trade show 30 minutes before the scheduled opening time each day of the show and will be permitted to remain in the exhibit hall up to 30 minutes after the closing hour on the first night.


Exhibitor acknowledges its responsibilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to make its booth accessible to handicapped persons.  Exhibitor shall also indemnify and hold USBI, the Venue, members, officers, directors, agents,  and employees of each of these entities harmless against cost, expense, liability, or damage which may be incident to arise out of or be caused by Exhibitor’s failure to comply with the requirements of this Act.


USBI reserves the right to restrict exhibits which, because of noise, method of operation, or any other reason, become objectionable or otherwise detract from or are out of keeping with the character of the Convention as a whole. It may forbid installation or request removal or discontinuation of any exhibit or promotion which, if continued, departs substantially from the description given advance approval.

In the event of such restrictions or evictions, USBI is not liable for any refund of rental or other expenses. Advertising, displays, demonstrations, conferences, entertainment, convention registration, and hospitality rooms in the interest of business are not permitted except by firms that have rented space to exhibit.